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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Marketing Management And Communications â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine About The Marketing Management And Communications? Answer: Presentation: Bollinger Motors is another American organization established by the business visionary, Robert Bollinger. As of late, the association has divulged their first game utility truck in particular the Bollinger B1 which can go up to 200 miles run inside the cost of $60,000. The vibe of the vehicle is very alluring which can without much of a stretch rival the Land Rover Defender and the Jeep Wrangler (Schlegelmilch, 2016). As expressed by the CEO of the organization, being another organization in the worldwide car advertise, the B1 Bollinger accompanies a dull dim aluminum body which is filled with the jolts. Additionally, it ought to be noticed that the B1 Bollinger is known as the utility truck as it breaks the possibility of other EV cards. It has Bluetooth network, AM/FM recipient, and Aux inputs, anyway there isn't any touch screens. The vehicle offers a little LCD show and simple battery pointer. The vehicle has been created with offering an alternate sort of driving experience; in any case, the item requires an all around structured advertising plan for entering the worldwide car showcase (Baker, 2014). This includes a SWOT and contender investigation of the current market and fixing the mission, showcasing and monetary goals, putting the advanced advertising correspondence and observing the arrangement. This report will likewise design the activity program for the organization for next a half year. SWOT examination and Competitor investigation: The car business is an agent of quicker development as it permits individuals to travel, work and live in a creative way and brings various mechanical headways. Considering the political and lawful issues in the created nations, for example, US, UK, Australia, have helped the business to develop more (Wu, 2015). This item is offering the principal electric and all wheel driving SUV which is explicitly planned by both the now and again street fan. The vehicle has double engines, both front and back which is equipped for creating more speed and force and pulling more loads. It can likewise accomplish 0-60 km/h in 4.5 seconds. The vehicle has antilock plate brakes and hydro pneumatic suspension (Atkinson, 2016). The stopping mechanism is regenerative. In this manner, the vehicle is good to go to offer an alternate encounter to the rider. Shortcoming The worldwide vehicle industry as of now has ruling contenders, for example, Ford, Toyota and a few others. Hence, it would be hard for another vehicle organization to situate their image and their item (Tansel, 2015). Alongside that, the association doesn't have a lot of involvement with the market, which can be an obstruction for them in anticipating the market circumstance. Openings The vehicle is offering different offices which were not offered by some other vehicle before in the market, accordingly the clients can be increasingly intrigued to the vehicle (Atkinson, 2016). The vehicle is additionally offering an eco-accommodating and contamination free understanding to the clients. The set up organizations in the global market can be a genuine danger to the organization. The organization ought to consistently keep a ceaseless watch on the contenders so they can manage the methodologies which can be threatening to their business. The association should keep a consistent watch whether they are bringing down their costs or starting inventive systems for promoting or computerized correspondence (Piercy, 2014). Consequently these exercises can go about as dangers for another organization which can influence the deals by and large as well. Likewise, the cost of Bollinger B1 is very high which may go about as a danger too. Contender investigation For dissecting the rivals in the market, this report will use the Porters five powers model. Danger of the new rivals in the market: The odds are low to medium. As the assembling of the vehicles take very immense measure of ventures and there are different lawful customs for entering the market, there are similarly lesser odds of having more rivals in the market (Charter, 2017). Haggling intensity of the providers: The odds are low to medium as the providers will in general partner with different organizations without any problem. Dealing intensity of the purchasers: The odds are high. The greater part of the clients demonstrate high steadfastness to their brands and vehicles. In this manner there are a few alternatives are there in the market (Piercy, 2014). Dangers of the substitutes: The odds are high too, as the organization faces extreme rivalries from the current brands and the half breed vehicles that are made in Europe. Contention: The odds are medium to high. The Bollinger B1 is relied upon to confront extreme rivalry from Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, BMW, Tesla, Mercedes Benz and so forth. Accordingly there is a persistent contention in the market (Armstrong et al., 2014). Strategic: The strategic the organization is: To create vehicles that are contamination less and eco agreeable. To acquire progressively mechanical headways the vehicle To give an extravagance and solid experience for the clients To expand the street security To bring a vehicle with inventive structure To give a superior now and again street experience. To bring a vehicle that has no additional utilization of fuel. Promoting destinations and money related goals: The promoting destinations of the Bollinger B1 is centered around the raising the mindfulness about the new brand and its items and further administrations. Consequently the association will follow these three advertising destinations for situating their image in the worldwide market: Increment the business: This is one of the significant goals of any brand. Promoting would consistently require a made sure about measure of rate of return which shows to the deals expanding. In this way the primary focal point of the association is increment the deals by and large. Increment the item mindfulness: As the organization is another one in the car business, it is critical to animate the consciousness of item among the clients. There are a few major players in the car business; in this way this procedure would be a significant one for the organization which can assist them with achieving the brand and item mindfulness. Brand the executives: In request to accomplish a spot inside the open mind and keep up the spot. Subsequently a portion of the showcasing destinations of the brand would point accomplishing and keeping up the brand picture inside the market. Moreover, there are a few brands in the car showcase which improves their image picture by running the inventive ads and reminding the clients about their image. A few associations even additionally use the tones and pictures for continue reminding the clients about their item and administrations. The association should concentrate more on being perceived in the worldwide market and create exposure. Budgetary destinations: Income development: the most central money related target of Bollinger B1 will be to have a maintainable development in the incomes. It for the most part originates from the thorough showcasing and deals exercises. Supportability: Being a similarly new brand in the market, it is a lot of conceivable that the brand would at first just consider their monetary endurance; anyway having a reasonable financial goal would assist the organizations with facing the monetary disturbance also. Degree of profitability: The ROI can be applied to various circumstances, for example, the profits that are identified with the gainful hardware as the satisfactory income will in general legitimize the buying or assembling cost of the item. Promoting blend system and computerized advertising correspondence plan: The promoting blend technique is one of the devices to make the correspondence arrangement of the item. The promoting blend procedure is examined underneath: The Bollinger B1 is the principal electrical and all wheel driving SUV which is light weight and delivers more force. This vehicle has a structure which is somewhat unique in relation to different vehicles and has advanced highlights. It is likewise exceptionally eco neighborly and makes less contamination (Armstrong et al., 2014). This factor influences the various components liable for the advertising blend technique. With regards to the car business, it tends to be seen that the costs are very high, particularly because of the vehicle battery. Thus, the estimating of Bollinger B1 is very high, be that as it may, the association ought to have a worth based evaluating plan which can concentrate more qualities that are included with the item (Allen, Mueller Simmons, 2015). Arrangement The item is set in the market through the providers and the circulation channel. As another organization, the spending plan for showcasing would be little; the association should concentrate more on pulling the system by putting more accentuation on the particular highlights of Bollinger B1 (Malhotra Berger, 2016). The force methodology would be very adept in this circumstance. Advancement As the spending plan for advertising is restricted for the Bollinger B1, the association will concentrate more on computerized correspondence and a special technique that is web based. This would be more viable than the traditional media (Scheepers et al., 2014). The advertising should be possible through internet based life, advanced correspondence and further limited time exercises. These systems will assist the brand with creating a brand and item mindfulness in the market, particularly inside the focused on fragment of the clients. Activity program: Activity Plan Time Thorough promoting through online life locales and other computerized media destinations 1-second month Making a feeling of brand mindfulness inside the market 3nd moth Expanding the item mindfulness fourth month Making a practical development plan fifth month Concentrating on getting most noteworthy income. sixth month Usage and controlling of the arrangement: As the association has taken the activities for making various types of techniques fo setting up the arrangement to fall flat and controlling the arrangement for guaranteeing the recently set goals are met and explicitly in accord
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Paul Klee Essays - Bauhaus, Cubism, Paul Klee, Klee, James Ensor
Paul Klee A Swiss-conceived painter and visual craftsman whose individual, regularly tenderly comical works are packed with implications to dreams, music, and verse, Paul Klee, b. Dec. 18, 1879, d. June 29, 1940, is hard to arrange. Crude workmanship, oddity, cubism, and kids' craft all appear to be mixed into his little scope, fragile compositions, watercolors, and drawings. His family was extremely inspired by human expressions. The occupations that Paul's folks had were odd for 1879. His mother made a difference bolster the family by giving piano exercises. His dad did the housework. He cooked, cleaned, and painted. Paul's grandmother showed him how to paint. After much delay he decided to contemplate craftsmanship, not music, and he went to the Munich Academy in 1900. Klee later visited Italy (1901-02), reacting eagerly to Early Christian and Byzantine workmanship. Klee was a watercolorist, and etcher, who was one of the most unique experts of present day craftsmanship. Having a place with no particular craftsmanship development, he made works known for their awesome dream pictures, mind, and creative mind. These consolidate humorous, odd, and strange components and uncover the impact of Francisco de Goya and James Ensor, both of whom Klee respected. Two of his most popular etchings, dating from 1903, are Virgin in a Tree and Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank. The works of art of Klee are hard to arrange. His most punctual works were pencil scene examines that demonstrated the impact of impressionism. Until 1912 he likewise created numerous high contrast etchings; the suggestions of imagination and parody in these works indicated the impact of twentieth century expressionism just as of such ace printmakers as Francisco Goya and William Blake. Klee regularly joined letters furthermore, numerals into his canvases, however he additionally delivered arrangement of works that investigate mosaic and different impacts. Klee's profession was a quest for the images and similitudes that would make this conviction noticeable. More than some other painter outside the Surrealist development (with which his work had numerous affinities - its enthusiasm for dreams, in crude workmanship, in fantasy, and social confusion), he wouldn't draw hard qualifications among workmanship and composing. To be sure, a significant number of his artworks are a type of composing: they pullulate with signs, bolts, drifting letters, lost headings, commas, and clefs; their code for any item, from the veins of a leaf to the framework example of Tunisian water system trench, takes a stab at sexy portrayal, yet rather pronounces itself to be a simply mental picture, a pictograph existing in significant space. So the majority of the time Klee could pull off a shorthand association that held back the spatial magnificence of high French innovation while holding its unforced delicacy of disposition. Klee's work didn't offer the extraordinary sentiments of Picasso's, or the formal authority of Matisse's. The spidery, careful line, creeping and scratching around the edges of his dream, works in a little compass of post-Cubist covers, transparencies, and figure-field end of the season games. Truth be told, the vast majority of Klee's thoughts regarding pictorial space came out of Robert Dulaunay's work, particularly the Windows. The paper, affable to each well suited mishap of smear and puddle in the watercolor washes, contains the pictures tenderly. As the craftsmanship history specialist Robert Rosenblum has stated, 'Klee's specific virtuoso [was] to have the option to take any number of the main Romantic themes and aspirations that, by the early twentieth century, had frequently swollen into bizarrely Wagnerian measurements, and make an interpretation of them into a language proper to the humble size of a youngster's charmed world.' After his marriage in 1906 to the piano player Lili Stumpf, Klee settled in Munich, at that point a significant community for vanguard craftsmanship. His better half, Lily, gave music exercises, while Paul watched just child, he was a decent sitter. Klee painted in an extraordinary and individual style; nobody else painted as he did. He utilized pastels, gum based paint, watercolor, and a blend of oil and watercolor, as well as various foundations. Other than utilizing the canvas that he generally painted on he utilized paper, jute, cotton, and wrapping paper. A defining moment in Klee's profession was his visit to Tunisia with Macke and Louis Molliet in 1914. He was so overpowered by the serious light there that he expressed: Shading has taken ownership of me; no longer do I need to pursue it, I realize that it has hold of me until the end of time. That is the centrality of this favored second. Shading and I are one. I am a painter. He presently developed creations of hued squares that have the brilliance of the mosaics he saw on his Italian stay. The watercolor Red and White Domes (1914;
Friday, August 21, 2020
Speckled Band Essay Example
Dotted Band Paper Holmes is totally different to Dr Roylott as Holmes approaches existence with a scholarly view, in spite of the fact that he is legitimate; Holmes is similarly as solid as Roylott despite the fact that he isn't exactly so massive. With an unexpected exertion fixed it frown once more (page 8). This statement states Holmess physical appearance yet additionally expresses his quality. The creator utilizes Watson to underscore Holmess characteristics. He does this by looking at the two, A ventilator is made, a line is hung, and a woman who dozes I the bed kicks the bucket. Does that not strike you? (Page 12). This stresses Holmes is a more perceptive analyst than Watson and because of him being progressively predominant, he is placed in direct difference to the foe, Dr Roylott. So as to think about the two, they should have various characters. Sherlock Holmes is quiet, Dr Roylott is forceful. Its normal versus silly conduct, habits versus inconsiderateness, in spite of the fact that they have the equivalent physical qualities. I think the writer needed us, the peruser to imagine that Holmes appreciates difficulties, for example, Dr Roylott, nonetheless, he has nothing to demonstrate. The structure of The Adventure of The Speckled Band is that of a run of the mill criminologist position in the Victorian time. It is a secret story wherein a wrongdoing needs understanding as somebody needs assistance, so as to forestall a passing. This puzzle story has been organized in an astute manner as it gives out a progression of signs, My sister was disturbed by the smell of solid Indian stogies and furthermore a progression of distractions which are intended to lose the peruser thus need to settle the wrongdoing themselves and read on, for instance, the cheetah, the mandrill, and the wanderers are completely used to play on the perusers bias. We will compose a custom exposition test on Speckled Band explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Speckled Band explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Speckled Band explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The wanderers do this in a manner which the peruser thinks they are simply inconvenience as they are suspected to take and assault individuals. They do this similarly the cheetah does as they have been marked as awful, so one can say that they are a generalization. As a result of these intimations given out, we get thoughts of what truly happened to Julia Stoner, thus we follow the pieces of information and attempt and play criminologist. We can't illuminate the riddle as Holmes stays discreet to himself and just discharges it toward the end, An examination of the seat gave me that he had been prone to remain on it, (page 16). This makes |Holmes look better than the peruser as he watches a piece of information that both Watson and the peruser can't run over. This is a significant shock to the peruser as the author tries to shroud this critical piece of information to make us, the peruser, read on. As it were, this causes the peruser to feel double-crossed by Holmes and the essayist as we suspected we could confide in them. In different pieces of the story there are a progression of increment in anticipation followed by a straight abatement. A case of this is when Holmes and Watson are moving through the window of Stoke Moran when, what is portrayed to be an ugly and contorted youngster (page 13) comes up short on a shrub. By then I felt tense as I had no clue about the purported kid was going to assault, in which case it never thus when I read on to discover that it runs off, discharges the strain and a mess of suspense. Although The Whole Towns Sleeping has its disparities to The Adventure of The Speckled Band it has numerous likenesses, for example, they are both set in places far away from help. A more subtle comparability is the manner in which the two stories use ladies as casualties and potential casualties and men as aggressors, which follows the Victorian period. A storyteller is a character wherein tells and aides the peruser through the story. In The Adventure of The Speckled Band the storyteller is Watson. Watson is a first individual storyteller who, records of a case, which happened a very long time previously. He is proficient as he keeps a journal of the considerable number of cases he and Holmes have gone over in the past. The language utilized in this story, lets us know, the peruser, that it is set in the Victorian time, as there are words which are not so much utilized today, for instance gap (page 7). The language is formal. Because of this, the peruser begins to fall off the story. Palmer and Pritchard were among the leaders of their calling (Page 13). This confounds the peruser, as we dont realize what they mean. In a manner this is something to be thankful for as the peruser peruses on to discover the significance and comprehend what they are attempting to state. Conan Doyle utilized words that the cutting edge peruser will be probably not going to appear to be they are once in a while utilized in todays society. For example, Pittance (page 8). I think Conan Doyle did this to call attention to that the story is that of a Victorian time and furthermore to ponder the class and instruction of him and the characters, as they are the entirety of the privileged community. The story needs depiction and only every once in a long while gets a n inside and out to the characters musings and emotions. I think the story is in insufficient need of feeling as Conan Doyle decided to adopt a logical strategy. A reason for this is, it makes us, the peruser feel less strain and anticipation. Unexpectedly in the midst of the commotion of the hurricane, there burst forward the wild shout of an alarmed lady (page 4). This destroys the climate for the peruser as the more the writer utilizes Victorian words; the more the air blurs from the perusers mind. I think Conan Doyle utilized Victorian words, for example, gap (page 7) rather than door jamb since he needed us, the peruser, to appreciate him for him being knowledgeable which he used to consider his own boss inner self. The portrayal and language of these two stories are totally extraordinary as the account of The Whole Towns Sleeping is definitely more fruitful at making riddle and tension than that of The Adventure of the Speckled Band. The Whole Towns Sleeping is third individual story and the storyteller is omniscient, which implies they know all and see all. By utilizing this sort of portrayal, it carries the peruser into the story as the state of affairs depicted, its just as we, the peruser, are really smelling, tasting, hearing, seeing and feeling everything that the storyteller is. For instance, I didnt comprehend what dread was, I wouldnt let myself think, (page 9). This causes the peruser to accept they are Lavinia. Beam Bradbury utilized an embodiment procedure which caused Lavinia Nebbs to feel as if she is detestable simply like the Lonely One. The warmth beat under your dress and along your legs with a subtle feeling of intrusion (page 7). This caused the peruser to feel as if Lavinia has quite recently turned a survivor of the desolate one as the warmth has quite recently attacked her; similarly the Lonely One attacks his casualties. Another strategy utilized by Ray Bradbury was the utilization of reiteration, which he used to portray two things, the gorge and the feeling of safe. He rehashes the portrayal of the gorge to be dull, peaceful and soggy ahead was profundity, clamminess, fireflies and dim (page 1). I think he rehashes this to make gorge sound precluding and a well known spot for the Lonely One to visit, as that is the place the killed assemblage of Elisa Ramsell was found. As opposed to this, Ray Bradbury rehashes the word safe to give a sentiment of help, which diminishes the perusers uneasiness. Sheltered, safe, and safe at home! (Page 9). In spite of the fact that the perusers uneasiness is diminished, the creator makes purposes of frenzy to raise the degree of nervousness. He does this by shortening sentences and utilizing unmistakable words. At the base of the means. A man, under the light! No, presently hes gone! (Page 8). This states what precisely is sitting tight for Lavinia at the base of the gorge, in any case, it doesnt state whom it is pausing. This assembles strain, as neither Lavinina nor the peruser knows who the man is. He could be the Lonely One on the break of his month to month sin or perhaps a bystander.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
SAT Tip of the Week What Are You Risking When You Cheat on the SAT
Most high school students know that it takes time and effort to properly prepare for the SAT. Unfortunately, there are some students who think that cheating on the SAT is the only way to obtain a high score. What they may not know is that test officials have put many barriers in place to prevent cheating on this exam. Still, every year there are students who stubbornly try to cheat on SAT questions. Lets take a look at what you will be risking by choosing to cheat on the SAT: The Risks of Cheating Not surprisingly, there are serious consequences for students who are caught cheating (and even for students who are under the suspicion of cheating) on this test. SAT testing centers assign a proctor to each group of students taking the exam this proctor monitors the group and reports any questionable activity he or she may see. For instance, if a proctor sees a student texting or otherwise using a cell phone during the test, that student will be asked to leave. When a student is caught cheating like this, the proctor will destroy the student’s answer sheet and report the incident to test officials. The student will then not be able to retake the test for a period of time set by the College Board, which may mean that the student has to delay their college application process. Having ones score canceled is another risk students take by cheating on the SAT. If testing officials find any irregularities in a student’s scores or performance on the test, they can open an investigation or cancel that person’s test scores altogether. And keep in mind, a student’s scores can be canceled even if they’ve already been submitted to colleges. For example, testing officials may suspect cheating if a student earns a very low score on their first SAT attempt and a very high score on a retake an unusually large discrepancy in scores like this will sometimes trigger an investigation, but of course, tremendous improvement in test performance doesn’t automatically mean a student has cheated. If a student’s test scores are canceled, they must prepare for the SAT again in order to retake it, which can definitely be an inconvenience. Another important thing to remember is that if a student is accepted into a college based on an unearned SAT score, they may not be able to handle the level of academic rigor at that school. Furthermore, this student will have taken the place of another student who applied to the college with high SAT scores that were earned fairly. Preparing For the SAT the Right Way When it comes to the SAT, cheating is never a good idea. Instead, students should set a study schedule that allows them to gradually learn the material they will need to know. At Veritas Prep, our skillful instructors earned scores on the SAT that placed them in the 99th percentile of test-takers, and students who take our prep courses benefit from these instructors practical knowledge! Our online and in-person course options allow students to choose the most convenient way for them to practice with the experts for this exam. Our students receive individual attention that allows them to focus on what they need to do to improve. We offer tips on how to complete all of the questions on the SAT and still have time left to review answers. Our instructors understand how stressful it can be for students who are preparing for this challenging exam, so in addition to offering academic guidance, our instructors also offer much-needed support and encouragement. Students who work with our team of professional instructors get help every step of the way as they study for the SAT. Our instructors at Veritas Prep know that most students want to do their best and earn high scores on the SAT, but cheating on this exam is never an option for them. We use quality study resources and materials to give students the tools they need to showcase their abilities on the SAT. As students move through our prep classes, they begin to experience increased confidence. Contact Veritas Prep today and let our instructors help you to true success on the SAT! And as always be sure to find us on Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and Twitter!
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Homeland, Aztland, By Gloria Anzaldua - 4126 Words
In The Homeland, Aztland, Gloria Anzaldua writes, Borders are set up to define the places that are safe and unsafe, to distinguish us from them. For centuries, there has been segregation between ‘us’ and ‘them’, in which the two groups vary in culture or race. The dominant group, ‘us’ sees ‘them’ as a weak link and that they are not worthy of what ‘we’ have and deserve. In â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†by Kate Chopin and â€Å"Wisdom of the New†by Sui Sin Far, there is an apparent border between two sets of races. In both pieces, the authors are telling the story to get the point across that these borders, whether figurative or unofficial, are meaningless, and result in tragedy. In Chopin’s piece, ‘us’ is Desiree, her husband Armand and their child. In their time, ‘them’ was the African American race. They were seen as unimportant, and unworthy. The fight between a figurative border begins when their baby begins to change. His skin shows black, insinuating that one of his parents carries the inferior race. Armand goes on to confirm, â€Å"It means, that the child is not white; it means that you are not white†(Chopin, 3). He says this to Desiree, and is immediately jumping to the conclusion that she must be the one with the black background. He is a man, and he can do no wrong. There is no possible way that he is the one who gave that child the dreaded curse of black skin. He now has built this boundary between himself, Desiree and the child. Armand is not one of ‘them’, he is white,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Introduction. In Modern Era, Being A Professional Nurse
Introduction In modern era, being a professional nurse means to provide extraordinary care to each patient through using the traits of advocacy, compassion, communication, responsibility, and respect when treating each patient and interacting with fellow staff members. A professional nurse will use these traits along with critical thinking and interpersonal skills to succeed the expectations to provide their clients with the best care possible. Nursing Traits There a vast number of traits all nurses should acquire before beginning clinical work, but the five most important are advocacy, compassion, communication, responsibility, and respect. Collectively, these skills provide the outline for a professional nurse to provide compassionate†¦show more content†¦Nurses do this continuously when caring for clients since nurses can understand the pain the patient is currently undergoing. Compassion is an essential component of nursing because nurses need to relate to their clients’ pain and understand the obstacles the patient may be dealing with. Although the nurse may not have actually went through the pain their client has, a nurse using compassion can have empathy for each client. Another important factor of compassion is that the nurse might be the client’s only support during their treatment and need to talk to patients compassionately so the patient knows the nurse is willing to be a shoulder for the client to trust. While attending Hartwick College, student nurses will use the act of compassion almost everyday by taking a piece of each student’s problems and helping each other realize that they can balance all of the endless work assigned. In the clinical setting, many student nurses demonstrate compassion by listening to the client’s complaints and helping the client make reachable goals each day. Communication Many respected nurses agree to the statement that communication is the most important and effective trait of a nurse (Taylor, 2015, p. 447). This is true because communication is both a verbal and nonverbal mode of transmission that benefits every patient. It is essential that nurses develop amazing communication skills because these skills will help the client feel more comfortable in the hospitalShow MoreRelatedThe Influence and Use of Technology in Nursing1429 Words  | 6 PagesModern technology and informatics rapidly expended into practically all aspects of our everyday life and have become virtually the â€Å"second skin†or the â€Å"second nature†for the present generations. Contemporary nursing practice must employ technological advances into everyday client-oriented nursing process with the ultimate goal of improving the quality and safety of holistic and humanistic client care. 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Similar rules were incorporated in several other states, including Maryland, with examples being, 1 dose of Tdap if 5 years had elapsed since the last dose. . ., and a catch-up second dose of varicella vaccine (Potter, DeVita, Cranesich Boulton, 2014, p. 1526). These regulations continue to be modified yearly to keep up with new research regardingRead MoreProfessional Presence and Influence2419 Words  | 10 Pages Western Governors University Professional Presence and Influence ULT January 22, 2016 ULT A 1. Models of Health and Healing Everyone has their own belief when it comes to health and healing. Some people may believe in power of pray with no conventional medicine. Others believe western medicine can cure what ails them. Today I will discuss the difference between Era II and Era III models of health and healing relating to what it means to be human. Era II is known as the mind-body model
Triceratops free essay sample
Paleontologist John Scannella observed: It is hard to walk out into the Hell Creek Formation and not stumble upon a Triceratops weathering out of a hillside. Forty-seven complete or partial skulls were discovered in just that area during the decade 2000–2010. [7] Specimens representing life stages from hatchling to adult have been found. [8] The function of the frills and three distinctive facial horns has long inspired debate. Traditionally these have been viewed as defensive weapons against predators. More recent theories, noting the presence of blood vessels in the skull bones of ceratopsids, find it more probable that these features were primarily used in identification, courtship and dominance displays, much like the antlers and horns of modern reindeer, mountain goats, or rhinoceros beetles. [9] The theory finds additional support if Torosaurus represents the mature form ofTriceratops, as this would mean the frill also developed holes (fenestrae) as individuals reached maturity, rendering the structure more useful for display than defense. We will write a custom essay sample on Triceratops or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page [4]
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